19 Dec Horizon Health Provides Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Grants To Local Health Departments
Educating the public — especially children — on the dangers of substance abuse and importance of behavioral health got a large boost last week with donations to Laurel and Knox County Health Departments.
The $10,000 grants from Horizon Health in London were presented to Mark Hensley, executive director of the Laurel County Health Department, and Rebecca Rains, executive director of the Knox County Health Department. Presenting the checks was Ronda Hughes, Director of Compliance and Outreach Programs, which also includes grant writing.
Hughes explained that Horizon Health partnered with the two health departments to further their existing programs. The $10,000 grant to each department will be repeated for the next three years as well.
“We want this grant to be started in the schools and target children before they get older,” Hughes said. “There are different issues involved with this grant — mainly community cognitive behavior therapy and evidence based treatment for results.”
The money will help with education and community engagement activities and has specific targets that the two health departments will be reporting back to Horizon Health on a monthly basis, Hughes added. The health departments will also host two community events each year to further that goal.
Read the full article at https://www.sentinel-echo.com/news/horizon-health-donates-to-local-health-departments/article_075cbbe6-7a54-11ed-b6e1-93421b5d8542.html/.